About NewSouth Books
NewSouth Books is an Australian general and specialist sales, marketing and distribution force. NewSouth Books is wholly owned by UNSW Press Ltd. NewSouth Books represents agencies from Australasia, the USA, Canada, and the UK. A list of agencies, can be found here.
Sales and Marketing
An experienced team of sales representatives handles sales into bookshops, library suppliers, school suppliers, wholesalers and bookclubs on a monthy call cycle.
The NewSouth Books marketing team offers a set of marketing services for all agencies. Order forms and sales kits for the trade and library suppliers are generated monthly from provided materials. Title files are prepared and uploaded for Title Page, Bookfind and bookseller databases.
Agencies that do not have any Australian marketing or publicity will be able to additionally utilise the services of our publicist for local promotions. All agencies can participate in direct mailing lists for specific subject groups, which are done several times a year.
Distribution and Customer Service
NewSouth Books are distributed throughout Australia and New Zealand by Alliance Distribution Services.