Velo Press nutrition/diet/pregancy

Fit & Healthy Pregnancy: How to Stay Strong and in Shape for You and Your Baby Kristina Pinto, contributions by Rachel Kramer

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Jun 2013 | Velo Press | 9781934030967 | 328pp | 221x183mm | GEN | AUD$32.99, NZD$39.99

Exercise during pregnancy isn't just safe, it's healthy for you and your baby. 

Fit & Healthy Pregnancy dispels generations of old wives' tales about exercise and pregnancy so active women can stay strong and in shape. This book from running coach Dr. Kristina Pinto and triathlete Rachel Kramer, MD goes beyond labor and delivery through the "fourth trimester," helping new mothers return to fitness after they've had their babies.

Fit & Healthy Pregnancy reviews up-to-date research to show that exercise during pregnancy isn't just safe, it's ideal for health and wellness. Pinto and Kramer guide moms-to-be through each trimester, showing how their bodies, nutrition needs, and workouts will change. The authors cover the months following delivery, when women adapt to a new lifestyle that balances family, fitness, self, and perhaps a return to work. They offer smart guidance and tips on breastfeeding, sleep training, nutrition and hydration, weight loss, and how to transition back into workouts and training.

Fit & Healthy Pregnancy will help new mothers experience an easier, healthier pregnancy and a faster return to fitness after delivery.