I NEED a parrot

Hardback | Nov 2019 | Ford Street Publishing | 9781925804287 | 32pp | 297x210mm | GEN | AUD$24.95, NZD$29.99
Paperback | Sep 2019 | Ford Street Publishing | 9781925804294 | 32pp | 297x210mm | GEN | AUD$16.95, NZD$21.99
*Winner of CBCA 2020 Notable Book of the Year: Picture Book*
Age range 3+
A book about wanting and needing what a child wants and what a wild bird needs.
'McKimmie's quirky play with words and illustrations will appeal widely.' — Fran Knight, ReadPlus
'This book shows the genius of a picture book. It tells a story well and leaves the child with much to think about.' — Buzz Words Magazine