The Permanent Resident

Paperback | Nov 2016 | UWA Publishing | 9781742589022 | 280pp | 198x129mm | GEN | AUD$24.99, NZD$29.99
Winner of NSW Premier's Literary Awards 2018 for Multicultural NSW Award
A woman who can't swim wades into a suburban pool. An Indian family sits down to an Australian Christmas dinner. A single mother's offer to coach her son's soccer team leads to an unexpected encounter. A recent migrant considers taking the fall for a second generation 'friend'. A wife refuses to let her husband look at her phone. An international student gets off a train at night.
Roanna Gonsalves' short stories unearth the aspirations, ambivalence and guilt laced through the lives of 21st century immigrants, steering through clashes of cultures, trials of faith, and squalls of racism. Sometimes heart-wrenching, sometimes playful, they cut to the truth of what it means to be a modern outsider.