City of Monsters
Dragon Apocalypse: City of Monsters Book 3

City of Monsters
Dragon Apocalypse: City of Monsters Book 3
Paperback | Sep 2018 | Ford Street Publishing | 9781925272680 | 358pp | GEN | AUD$19.95, NZD$24.99
Age range 10+
'Yo, creepy two-leggers. I'm Bruce, the giant spiderkilling machine and comedian for hire. Hear my words and vibrate with terror. Dragons are doomed! Magic ditto!! The City of Monsters is CARKING!!!
'But all ain't lost. My Dead Gang buds can save the world's vibrating butt. That is, if we can survive:
* a brainwashed grommet king!
* a webbing SNAKE GOD!
'The final instalment of the City of Monsters series, Dragon Apocalypse continues at the frenetic pace of Monster School and Goblin Mafia Wars...Dragon Apocalypse is the strongest of the three City of Monsters novels, and readers will find the finale satisfying and engaging.' — ReadingTime