On Through the Never

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Jul 2017 | Sky Pony Press | 9781510707610 | 272pp | 229x153mm | GEN | AUD$22.99, NZD$27.99
Age range 12 & up
In 2013, Bridger and Alora found a way to prevent Alora's murder while still preserving the timeline. Alora is safe and both Bridger and Alora are back in 2147. There's just one problem—they don't remember any of it.
Ten months after returning to their own time, Bridger and Alora are strangers to each other. Unknown to them, the Department of Temporal Affairs erased their memories and lied about what really happened. After finally being allowed to return home with her mother, Alora finds a Mind Redeemer hidden in her belongings, along with a note instructing her to find Bridger.
With the return of their memories, Bridger and Alora are determined to uncover the truths that have been concealed from them. In the midst of escalating tensions with Purists, people who oppose all forms of genetic modifications, Bridger and Alora learn about a bioweapon attack that could take place in the near future—an attack that will wipe out most people with genetic modifications, including all Talents, and that will lead to a world-wide war unless it's stopped.