Music, Sense and Nonsense: Collected Essays and Lectures

Paperback | Sep 2017 | Biteback Publishing | 9781785902673 | 464pp | 198x129mm | RFB | AUD$26.99, NZD$32.99
Alfred Brendel, one of the greatest pianists of our time, is renowned for his masterly interpretations of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Liszt, and has been credited with rescuing from oblivion the piano music of Schubert's last years. Brendel is also one of the world's most remarkable writers on music - possessed of the rare ability to bring the clarity and originality of expression that characterised his performances to the printed page.
This collection of Brendel's award-winning writings and essays combines all of his work originally published in his two classic books, Musical Thoughts and Afterthoughts and Music Sounded Out, along with significant new material on a lifetime of recording, performance habits and reflections on life and art.