Creative Lettering Companion: More Than 40 Imaginative & Inventive Prompts

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Oct 2018 | Lark Crafts | 9781454710691 | 128pp | 254x215mm | GEN
Make your lettering more creative with more than 40 lively exercises that explore novel techniques and unconventional materials.
Enjoy hours of hand-lettering fun with this colorful and quirky workbook! Whether it's writing with unusual materials (like coffee), working with strips of paper, painting watercolor clouds to outline your letters, or using masking tape to form designs, the interactive prompts will expand your creative horizons. Throughout, you'll find plenty of practice pages for experimenting, inspiration, and helpful tips. Whether you're a hand-lettering beginner or an experienced artist looking for something new, you'll learn exciting ways to create one-of-a-kind pieces of art.