Capitalism's Contradictions: Studies of Economic Thought Before and After Marx

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Nov 2017 | Haymarket Books | 9781608467792 | 304pp | 215x139mm | RFB | AUD$42.99, NZD$54.99
This volume assembles several of the Galician Marxist's most important essays, and serves as an accessible introduction to his project of 'recovering' Marx. Throughout the collection, Grossman highlights distinctive features of Marx's economic theory by contrasting it with the views of his forerunners, from Adam Smith to Jean Charles Sismondi. He then moves on to show how many Marxist economists import faulty assumptions from mainstream economics into their analyses, and in the process provides a unique overview of the major debates among Marxists over politics and economics between Marx's death and the rise of Fascism in Germany.