Liv Blåvarp: Structures in Wood

Hardback | Oct 2017 | Arnoldsche | 9783897904972 | 144pp | 290x240mm | RFB | AUD$69.99, NZD$84.99
Maple, birch, walnut, lemonwood and palisander are just a few of the woods from which Liv Blåvarp (b. 1956) creates exceptional one-off jewellery pieces. The rigidity or softness of the wood plays just as much of an important role in the selection process as its structure or texture. Since the 1980s, Liv Blåvarp has worked mainly with neck pieces, exploring and perfecting the sculptural possibilities of this jewellery genre. Over the years, Blåvarp has developed a distinctive and highly personal idiom that combines an exceptional sense of form with a perfected technique in jewellery that is supple and accommodating, both to wear and to look at. With around 55 works from 2002 to 2017 Liv Blåvarp presents the first comprehensive review of her creative output.