North of the Border: Stories From The A Matter of Time Project

Paperback | Sep 2016 | UWA Publishing | 9781742589152 | 240pp | 245x193mm | GEN | AUD$34.99, NZD$39.99
'I love this state – do not get me wrong. I love Queensland to bits. I don't want to live anywhere else in the world. But at that time we were four million years behind everything else, everyone else.'- LYN FRASER
Since the end of the Joh Bjelke-Petersen State government, conditions for LGBTIQ identified Queenslanders have improved but remain a tenuous arrangement. As the struggle for rights continues, North of the Border uses documentary photography and first-person narratives to tell the intimate stories of eight lesbians who found themselves existing outside of 'norm', and how that experience informs how they identify as Queenslanders today.