Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden: The Unwritten Rules of Golf
Hardback | Oct 2016 | Plexus | 9780859655279 | 96pp | 127x178mm | GEN | AUD$35.00, NZD$42.99
It is a great truism of golf that the game cannot be learnt from a book. Yet it is equally true that there are some things every golfer must know before setting foot on the course, or risk making an utter ass of himself: The Unwritten Rules of Golf.
Percival Farquar has pored over piles of manuscripts to compile this never before gathered collection of writings, surveying all aspects of the Royal and Ancient Game. Essential do's and don'ts of links play, unspoken courtesies such as never crossing a putter's line!
This thoughtfully assembled series of golf-related literature, poetry, limericks, and quotes all enlighten the novice and the veteran alike. A handy glossary of terms will make sure you can parlez the Lingo of the Links with the fluency of an old pro. Including a section dedicated to vintage golf advertising from clubs to special engravers and golf ball makers, all chronicling the world of golf to a tee!