The Wonder Weeks Milestone Guide: Your Baby's Development, Sleep and Crying explained

The Wonder Weeks just got a little sibling to join him / her!
All parents want to know about baby’s:
- physical development
- sleep
- crying
- diet
- emotional development
- stress
- intelligence
- health
The Wonder Weeks Milestone Guide is already a Bestseller in Europe and due to great demand it has now been translated in English!
The Wonder Weeks Milestone Guide informs parents about all the topics that are not described in The Wonder Weeks. For those parents who want to know it all but have no time to go over a gazillion books. Complete, short and sweet.
While The Wonder Weeks is all about a baby’s ten leaps in the first 20 months, The Wonder Weeks Milestone Guide informs parents on topics other than the mental health explained in The Wonder Weeks. Together they are the most complete resources for parents to turn to.