The Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure Ser
Ghastly Battle: An Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure, #4

The Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure Ser
Ghastly Battle: An Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure, #4
Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Oct 2016 | Sky Pony Press | 9781510706002 | 112pp | 204x127mm | GEN | AUD$14.99, NZD$18.99
Age range 7 to 12
Peace has been restored to the Overworld after an epic griefer battle. Lily, Simon, and Michael are glad to have a break from fighting, and even from their attempts to escape the game and return to their normal lives.
But then two new players are zapped onto the server, and no one's sure who's responsible for trapping them. With Mr. Anarchy and the other griefers in prison, anyone could be a suspect, and tempers flare as the townspeople's suspicions turn inward. While Lily, Simon, and Michael are away seeking clues, the people of Lisimi Village turn against them, convinced that they're keeping the knowledge of how to return home to themselves. Can the trio convince their friends of their innocence, bring the real villains to justice, and finally make their way home?
Friendships are tested and unlikely allies emerge in this thrilling fourth book in bestselling author Winter Morgan's Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure series.