AlphaKid: An A - Z of Antics

Hardback | Nov 2020 | Windy Hollow Books | 9781922081865 | 28pp | 255x210mm | GEN | AUD$25.99, NZD$29.99
Age range 5+
Annoying, bored, creative and daring, AlphaKid is every kid—at their best (kind, loving), worst (impatient, unreasonable) and in between (smelly, odd). Packed with heart and humour, kids of all ages will smirk and titter at this A to Z of antics, from dawn to dusk, chaos to calm.
A graphic-design style ABC book for little ones, AlphaKid is a humorous riff on the parent/child relationship. An overarching narrative takes the alphabetical entries from waking through to bedtime and the various careening childlike states the kids (and parents!) find themselves in during waking hours.