Sociology of Children and Families
Social Research Matters: A Life in Family Sociology

Sociology of Children and Families
Social Research Matters: A Life in Family Sociology
Paperback | Sep 2021 | Bristol University Press | 9781529208573 | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$54.99, NZD$59.99
Hardback | Jul 2021 | Bristol University Press | 9781529208566 | 224pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$180.00, NZD$215.00
Addressing central issues concerning the study of family life in the period 1975-2016, which remain of pressing concern both to Britain and the world, this book is a fascinating personal and political document of the period. The unique study provides a sense of the changing relationships between social policy and social research and a biographical account of an important British sociologist. Brannen shows how research is an art as well as a science — a creative process that involves craft and practice.