Oil Spill Monitoring Handbook

Paperback | Oct 2016 | CSIRO Publishing | 9781486306343 | 280pp | 245x170mm | GEN | AUD$89.95, NZD$110.99
Oil spills can be difficult to manage, with reporting frequently delayed. Too often, by the time responders arrive at the scene, the slick has moved, dissolved, dispersed or sunk. This Oil Spill Monitoring Handbook provides practical advice on what information is likely required following the accidental release of oil or other petroleum-based products into the marine environment.
The Oil Spill Monitoring Handbook completely updates the Australian Maritime Safety Authority's 2003 edition of the same name, taking into account the latest scientific advances in physical, chemical and biological monitoring, many of which have evolved as a consequence of major oil spill disasters in the last decade. It includes sections on the chemical properties of oil, the toxicological impacts of oil exposure, and the impacts of oil exposure on different marine habitats with relevance to Australia and elsewhere.