ACO 40: The Fortieth Year

Hardback | Nov 2016 | Giramondo Publishing | 9781925336184 | 144pp | 280x280mm | RFB | AUD$89.99, NZD$110.99
The stars aligned in 2015 to produce two landmark anniversaries: the Australian Chamber Orchestra celebrated its 40th birthday, and Richard Tognetti marked 25 years as its Director. This tight-knit, wildly popular and often ground-breaking musical ensemble manages to satisfy the demands of the musically literate as well as concert first-timers; the demands of a punishing national touring schedule; and the demands of taking excellence in Australian music-making to the world. Recognised internationally as world-class, the ACO carries its burdens lightly with a terrific brand of camaraderie, discipline and fun. Tognetti has brought charisma and amazing energy to his leadership of the ACO: in this book, he and his musicians are captured in photographs and in their own words, on stage, in rehearsal and in their private lives.