Biochar: A Guide to Analytical Methods

Paperback | Mar 2017 | CSIRO Publishing | 9781486305094 | 320pp | 260x200mm | GEN | AUD$99.95, NZD$119.99
Interest in biochar among soil and environment researchers has increased dramatically over the past decade.
Biochar initially attracted attention for its potential to improve soil fertility and to uncouple the carbon cycle by storing carbon from the atmosphere in a form that can remain stable for hundreds to thousands of years. Later it was found that biochar had applications in environmental and water science, mining, microbial ecology and other fields.
Beneficial effects of biochar and its environmental applications cannot be fully realised unless the chemical, physical, structural and surface properties of biochar are known. Currently many of the analytical procedures used for biochar analysis are not well defined, which makes it difficult to choose the right biochar for an intended use and to compare the existing data for biochars. Also, in some instances the use of inappropriate procedures has led to erroneous or inaccurate values for biochars in the scientific literature.
Biochar: A Guide to Analytical Methods fills this gap and provides procedures and guidelines for routine and advanced characterisation of biochars.