We Refugees

Paperback | Dec 2019 | Regal House Publishing | 9781947548343 | 84pp | 216x140mm | GEN | AUD$22.99, NZD$27.99
We Refugees is the third anthology in a series designed to spark conversation, promote awareness, and generate funds to advance social justice and amplify the voices of the marginalised. Rather than the vision of crisis so often portrayed in the media, the poems, essays, and personal reflections in We Refugees are moving accounts of individual suffering and fortitude, demonstrations of the great willingness shared by many to bridge cultural divides and offer hope and healing, and celebrations of the courage of people who have been forced to leave their homes and seek new ones.
The contributors are Kirsty Anantharajah, Jennifer de Bie, Nina Foushee, Robbie Gamble, Akuol Garang, Sharif Gemie, Steven Jakobi, Enesa Mahmic, Loretta Oleck, Virginia Ryan, Judith Skillman, and Mitchell Toews.