The Wine Lover's Apprentice: Words of Wisdom for Would-Be Oenophiles

Hardback (B402) | May 2018 | Skyhorse Publishing | 9781510731615 | 166pp | 178x115mm | GEN | AUD$22.99, NZD$27.99
The definitive book for any wine novice.
What's the best corkscrew to use? Should I decant? How many types of glassware should I buy?
Sommelier Kathleen Bershad has the answers. Put a Cork in It delves into the nitty-gritty details of winemaking and takes a look at the world's major wine regions. Readers will learn tricks of the trade and strategies for navigating the shelves of a retail store or ordering wine at a restaurant. Written in short bites, readers will easily gain a quick understanding of an area's major grapes, the style or styles of wine, and the appellations that offer the best quality wine (or the best value).
Topics include:
What you're tasting when you taste wine Conquering the restaurant wine list Navigating the wine shop Serving, sipping, and storing And more!
Put a Cork in It unravels the terms you see when reading a wine review, looking at a bottle, or listening to a wine geek talk vino. By the end of this helpful guide, readers will become empowered to know what's in a bottle, be able to make an educated guess about its flavours, and help change the culture to make drinking wine what it should be — relaxing and fun.