Simply Ing

Paperback | May 2018 | Magabala Books | 9781925360899 | 288pp | 179x128mm | GEN | AUD$24.99, NZD$29.99
Longlisted for the 2019 Colin Roderick Award
Born Ellie Nellie on an Aboriginal reserve in Western Australia's south west, she was nicknamed Ing by her family. Removed from her loving parents under government policy at the age of five, Ing was placed in a mission and denied her heritage. Her name was changed to Helen, and she needed all her strength to survive. When Ing's parents died, she had the responsibility of her younger brother and sister. Returning to her community on a nearby reserve when the mission closed, Ing learnt what it meant to be Noongar after being brought up as a whitefella. Her family taught her culture and language. Ing has lived through many family tragedies. Her honest experiences reflect her indomitable spirit and give insight into the lives of Aboriginal people.