Peter Owen World Series: Slovenia
Panorama: A Narrative about the Course of Events

Peter Owen World Series: Slovenia
Panorama: A Narrative about the Course of Events
Paperback | May 2017 | Peter Owen Publishers | 9780720619225 | 200pp | 198x129mm | GEN | AUD$19.99, NZD$24.99
Dušan Šarotar takes the reader on a deeply reflective yet kaleidoscopic journey from northern to southern Europe. In a manner reminiscent of W.G. Sebald, Šarotar supplements the narrative with photographs, which help to blur the lines between fiction and journalism. The writer's experience of landscape is bound up in a personal yet elusive search for selfdiscovery, as he and a diverse group of international fellow travellers relate in their individual and distinctive voices their unique stories and their common quest for somewhere they might call home.