Sydney Series in Celtic Studies
Prophecy, Fate and Memory in the Early Medieval Celtic World

Sydney Series in Celtic Studies
Prophecy, Fate and Memory in the Early Medieval Celtic World
Paperback (B108) | Mar 2020 | Sydney University Press | 9781743326732 | 290pp | 210x148mm | RFB | AUD$40.00, NZD$47.99
Prophecy, Fate and Memory in the Early and Medieval Celtic World brings together a collection of studies on Celtic inscriptions, religious travel, settlement, penance and prophecy in medieval Celtic nations. The contributors explore the themes of memory, fate and prophecy to capture the worldview of early Celtic speaking nations and challenge the reader to consider what connections can be drawn among sources separated by time, space and language.
Going beyond the philological and mythological concerns of traditional criticism in Celtic studies, the contributors delve into religion, identity and world views to interpret how people remembered the past and envisaged the future.
Through analyses of land formations, religious structures and ideas, the legacy of Gildas, early Irish heroines and the formation of state, each chapter brings us closer to understanding the values and history of the medieval Celtic world.