OSHO Classics
The Perfect Way

OSHO Classics
The Perfect Way
Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Mar 2018 | Osho Media International | 9781938755989 | 145pp | 215x139mm | GEN | AUD$19.99, NZD$24.99
The book you hold in your hand or you are just ordering from an online store is a unique book. It is the first book by the contemporary mystic Osho. At the beginning of his public life, Osho who is at that time a professor of philosophy at Jabalpur University, introduces people to a new and unique understanding of meditation during experiential meditation camps. He speaks to the participants and responds to questions. This book is the first published records of Osho's first meditation camp in Rajastan, India. In fifteen small chapters he gives a condensed presentation of his understanding of meditation which he then elaborates in many more talks and publications - but the essential message is already available in this book. Osho speaks to the individual, not to a collective, not the abstract collective of humanity, or a collective defined by religion or nationality or race but to individuals as the core element of existence. We used one of his opening comments as a longer quote on the front cover of the book as it seem so important "The individual is the unit of the whole and it is through him that both evolution and revolution can take place. You are that unit."