Rethinking Art's Histories
There is no soundtrack: Rethinking art, media, and the audio-visual contract

Rethinking Art's Histories
There is no soundtrack: Rethinking art, media, and the audio-visual contract
Paperback | Jun 2022 | Manchester University Press | 9781526163844 | 280pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$54.99, NZD$64.99
Hardback | Jul 2020 | Manchester University Press | 9781526142122 | 280pp | 234x156mm | GEN | AUD$183.99, NZD$167.55
There is no soundtrack amplifies new and radical audio-visual relationships in experimental media art. It addresses the lack of diversity in the study of art, media and sound through careful audition of marginalised voices that speak of race, gender, sexuality, indigeneity, colonialism, nationalism, violence and the politics of space. -- .