Dizzy Limits: Recent Experiments in Australian Nonfiction

What is 'experimental nonfiction'? Like all nonfiction writing it is steeped in facts, in real events, and in real people, with the aim of communicating information, argument, and truth. It differs from traditional nonfiction in that it tries to convey its meaning using unorthodox form, or style, or voice, or point-of-view, or approach, or method. The very best pieces of experimental nonfiction are those in which any unorthodox element adds richly to the meaning and authenticity of the subject matter – to the point that it would be difficult to imagine the piece being successful without the experimenting.
Dizzy Limits collects the very best examples of the above mentioned experimental nonfiction from our most intellectually ambitious and creatively curious writers. Dizzy Limits includes pieces that explore: the body and its relationship to the world; climate change; the connection of First Nations people to land; trans motherhood; leeches; computers pretending to be humans; and so much more – and all in truly dazzling and unexpected ways.
Contributors include: Noelle Janaczewska, Jean Bachoura, Ellen van Neerven, Jessie Berry-Porter, W.J.P. Newnham, Bella Klaver, Amanda Stewart, Eloise Grills, Oscar Schwartz, Lucy Van, Rebecca Giggs, Evelyn Araluen, Tess Pearson, Quinn Eades, Vivienne Cutbush, Shu-Ling Chua, Holly Childs, Oliver Reeson, Sam Wallman, Sophia O'Rourke, Nikkola Mikocki- Bleeker, Harry Saddler, Elena Gomez, Autumn Royal, Stephanie Guest and Kate Riggs.
'This book is an uprising, puncturing the prefab moves of literary nonfiction. It's a blueprint for a miraculous reanimation of the form's capacity for revelation and self-renewal.' — Maria Tumarkin
'I'm totally for Dizzy Limits. Everything here expands the scale, reconfigures writing, entertains and inhabits my mind long after I'm done reading them all. And then I come back. It's where to get lost, like I love.' — Eileen Myles