Excel Insights: A Microsoft MVP guide to the best parts of Excel

Paperback | Jun 2020 | Holy Macro! Books | 9781615470679 | 278pp | 254x203mm | GEN | AUD$49.99, NZD$59.99
Learn favourite techniques from this group of twenty-two Excel MVPs. The Excel MVPs are friends and competitors who each pulled out their favourite tricks to impress you and their fellow MVPs.
This book is written by twenty four Excel MVPs: Jon Acampora, Liam Bastick, Leila Gharani, Mike Girvin, Roger Govier, Frederic le Guen, Mathieu Guindon, Ingeborg Hawighorst, Tim Heng, Wyn Hopkins, Ian Huitson, Bill Jelen, Tony de Jonker, Gašper Kamenšek, John MacDougall, Dave Paradi, Jon Peltier, Jan Karel Pieterse, Ken Puls, Oz du Soleil, Hervé Thiriez, Mynda Treacy, Henk Vlootman, and Charles Williams.