Clay Sculpting with the Shiflett Brothers

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Aug 2022 | 3DTotal Publishing | 9781912843473 | 232pp | 259x208mm | GEN | AUD$74.99, NZD$84.99
Clay sculpting royalty The Shiflett Brothers offer unique insight into their practices and the techniques used to create their stunning fantasy characters.
Learning from the biggest and best creators in any industry is a rare and sought after opportunity. In this book clay sculpting royalty The Shiflett Brothers guide us through their creative journey as well as giving us an invaluable insight into the processes they use to create their dynamic and engaging fantasy sculpts. Not only will they be sharing their own knowledge and techniques, but they will also be introducing readers to three of their colleagues and heroes including Aris Kolokontes, Forest Rogers, and Jordu Schell, who contribute their own original processes and design. The brothers curate a collection of tools, techniques, and tutorials that will be sure to broaden your creative horizons and add an expansive set of practical skills to your creative arsenal.