Asia's New Geopolitics: Essays on Reshaping the Indo-Pacific

Hardback | Jun 2020 | Hoover Institution Press | 9780817923242 | 264pp | 229x152mm | RFB | AUD$54.99, NZD$64.99
In Asia's New Geopolitics: Essays on Reshaping the Indo-Pacific, Michael R. Auslin examines the key issues transforming the Indo-Pacific and the broader world.
The Indo-Pacific is fast becoming the world's most dominate region. Now, as it grows in power and wealth, geopolitical competition has re-emerged, threatening future stability not merely in Asia but around the globe. china is aggressive and uncooperative, and increasingly expects the world to bend to its wishes. The focus on Sino-US competition for global power has obscured 'Asia's other great game' - the rivalry between Japan and China. In North Korea, the most frightening question raised by Kim Jong-un's pursuit of the ultimate weapon is also the simplest — can he control his nukes?
Auslin also explores the history of American strategy in Asia, from the 18th century to today. Taken together, theses essays convey the richness and diversity of the region: with more than three billion people, the Indo-Pacific region contains over half of the global population, including the world's two most populas nations — India and China. In a riveting final chapter, Auslin images a war between America and China in a big for regional hegemony and what this conflict might look like.