Contesting Higher Education: Student Movements against Neoliberal Universities

Hardback | Jun 2020 | Bristol University Press | 9781529208627 | 248pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$170.00, NZD$195.00
Setting the wave of demonstrations within the contexts of student activism, social issues and political movements, this book casts new light on their impact on higher education and on the broader society.
With new research and case studies from universities in the UK, Canada, Chile and Italy, this is a rigorous comparative review of recent student protests against policies and practices in universities.
As well as examining origins and outcomes on higher education reform and neoliberalism, expert authors set these waves of demonstrations in wider contexts of student movements, political activism and social issues including inequality and civil rights.
Offering sophisticated new theoretical arguments based on fascinating empirical work, the insights and conclusions revealed in this unprecedented study are of value to anyone with an interest in social, political and related studies.