The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Jun 2018 | Night Shade Books | 9781597809467 | 336pp | 228x152mm | GEN | AUD$22.99, NZD$27.99
Hardback (B502) | Mar 2018 | Night Shade Books | 9781597809078 | 336pp | 228x152mm | GEN | AUD$44.99, NZD$54.99
It's only water, so why should we fear large bodies of it, such as the sea or the ocean? However, when you're all alone, you realize how scary a place it can be. In Devil and the Deep, award-winning editor Ellen Datlow shares an original anthology of horror that covers the depths of the deep blue sea. Whether its tales of murderous pirates who stalk the waters in search of treasure and blood, creatures that haunt the depths below-ones we've only seen in our nightmares, or storms that can swallow you whole, the open water can be a dangerous and terrifying place. With new stories from New York Times-bestsellers and award-winning authors such as Seanan McGuire, Christopher Golden, Stephen Graham Jones, and more, Devil and the Deep guarantees you'll think twice before going back into the water.