Twenty First Century Horror Films

Paperback | Jun 2017 | Kamera Books | 9781843449058 | 256pp | 198x129mm | GEN | AUD$34.99, NZD$39.99
From the vengeful ghosts of J-horror to the walking dead in 28 Days and World War Z, from the creepiness of Spain's haunted houses to the graphic gore of the New French extremism, horror is everywhere in the twenty-first century. This lively and illuminating book explores over 100 contemporary horror films, providing insightful and provocative readings of what they mean while including numerous quotes from their creators. Some of these films, including The Babadook, The Green Inferno, It Follows, The Neon Demon, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, The Witch, are so recent that this will be one of the first times they are discussed in book form.