Rough Patch

Paperback | Jun 2017 | Arsenal Pulp Press | 9781551526812 | 224pp | 203x140mm | GEN | AUD$19.99, NZD$24.99
Age range 12 to 17
A YA novel about Keira, a figure skater just entering high school who's intrigued about kissing both boys and girls
When fifteen-year-old Keira starts high school, she almost wishes she could write 'Hi, my name is Keira, and I'm bisexual!' on her nametag. Needless to say, she's terrified to announce the truth, let alone fully explore her sexuality.
Quirky but shy, loyal yet a bit zany, Keira navigates her growing interest in kissing both girls and boys while not alienating her BFF, boy-crazy Sita. As the two acclimate to their new high school, they manage to find lunch tablemates and make lists of the school's cutest boys. But Keira is caught 'in between' unable to fully participate, yet too scared to come clean.