Sociology of Children and Families
Nanny Families: Practices of Care by Nannies, Au Pairs, Parents and Children in Sweden

Sociology of Children and Families
Nanny Families: Practices of Care by Nannies, Au Pairs, Parents and Children in Sweden
Paperback | Jul 2020 | Bristol University Press | 9781529201536 | 184pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$57.99, NZD$69.99
Drawing on authors' research involving all participatory actors in childcare, this text investigates childcare from dual perspectives of family practice and childhood studies.
Paying privately for childcare is a growing phenomenon worldwide, a trend mirrored in Sweden despite the prevalence there of publicly funded daycare. This book combines theories of family practices, care and childhood studies with the personal perspectives of nannies, au pairs, parents and children to provide new understandings of what constitutes care in nanny families.
The authors investigate the ways in which all the participants experience the caring situation, and expose the possibilities and problems of nanny and au pair care. Their study illuminates the ways in which paid domestic care workers 'do' family and care; in doing so, it contributes to wider political and scientific discussions of inequalities at the global and local level, reproduced in and between families, in the context of rapidly changing welfare states.