Robert Louis Stevenson, Literary Networks and Transatlantic Publishing in the 1890s: The Author Incorporated

Hardback | Jan 2020 | Anthem Press | 9781785272844 | 242pp | 228x152mm | RFB | AUD$125.00, NZD$210.00
An investigation of R. L. Stevenson and the geographies of his literary networks
Focusing on an author characterised by geographical and aesthetic mobility, and on those who worked with him or wrote for him, Robert Louis Stevenson, Literary Networks and Transatlantic Publishing in the 1890s investigates the operations of transatlantic literary networks during a period of key changes in transatlantic publishing through a series of critical case studies.
'A groundbreaking account of transatlantic publishing and reputation in the 1890s focusing on the uniquely talented, uniquely peripatetic property known as Robert Louis Stevenson, enmeshed in a network of agents, mentors, friends, fans and gatekeepers. Norquay's invaluable study explores the 'incorporation' of the modern author under new concepts of authorship, ownership and commercial competition.' — Roderick Watson, Professor Emeritus, University of Stirling, UK
'Glenda Norquay tells a story as surprising and absorbing as any tale of adventure created by Robert Louis Stevenson himself. In her hands, scholarship on late-Victorian publishing history comes to life as a narrative about obsessive love, greedy self-interest, legal machinations, and high-minded dedication to Art (with a capital 'A'), all focused on the works that RLS left behind at the time of his premature death. […] This volume offers new points of origin for everything from modern marketing strategies to popular notions of celebrity authorship and fandom. At the same time, the thread running so invitingly throughout is Norquay's own deep appreciation of RLS and her ability to reawaken interest in novels of his that have wrongly been neglected.' — Margaret D. Stetz, Mae and Robert Carter Professor of Women's Studies and Professor of Humanities, Department of Women & Gender Studies, University of Delaware, USA