
Paperback | Jul 2019 | Ford Street Publishing | 9781925804270 | 32pp | 270x230mm | GEN | AUD$16.95, NZD$22.99
Age range 3 to 6
Pippa is a little pigeon with big blue-sky ambitions: to fly solo and explore the world beyond her nest. Her parents are less than thrilled with their risk-taking feathered fledging and smother her with well-meant yet suffocating warnings until one day she ignores them all, and takes the leap into the unknown...alone.
'The perfect book for parents and younger students to realize that kids need space to learn how to take risks, stretch their wings, and try new things' — Maria Marshall
'Everything about this book will intrigue and delight the readers.' — Fran Knight, read the full review here.
'...a tale that takes us visually, emotionally and lyrically to adventurous heights and places that touch the heart.' — Romi Sharp, Reading Time
'An exciting suspenseful read with a happy ending and wonderful artwork.' — Library Bag Books, read the full review here
Watch Dimity Powell reading Pippa here as part of the Queensland Department of Education's reading@home series: