Hidden Valuables: Early-Period Meissen Porcelains from Swiss Private Collections

Hardback | Jun 2021 | Arnoldsche | 9783897905863 | 416pp | 280x240mm | RFB | AUD$140.00, NZD$165.00
An impressive overview of the gems of the most sumptuous Meissen porcelain of the early period! Presented in English.
Switzerland is well-known for its host of remarkable collections of eighteenth-century European porcelain. Exemplary representatives of these are such extraordinary collector personalities as Albert Kocher or Dr Marcel Nyffeler. A number of these magnificent collections can be found today — as a result of endowments or gifts — in Switzerland's renowned institutions. This publication is dedicated to the passionate collecting of Swiss connoisseurs and these exceptional treasures, enriched by articles penned by renowned art historians and porcelain experts.