Cooking with Booze: From Beer Batter to Vodka Jelly, 101 Recipes from the Liquor Cabinet

Hardback (B409) | Jan 2018 | Skyhorse Publishing | 9781510723368 | 160pp | 185x121mm | GEN | AUD$22.99, NZD$27.99
"I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food" — W. C. Fields
Food is good. Whether it's the sweetest desserts or the freshest soups or the finest steaks, the culinary arts provide us with some of the richest sensual experiences that we are privy to.
Alcohol is also good. Beer, whiskey, wine, rum, cider, brandy, tequila, absinthe: mankind's multifarious methods of inducing intoxication run from the simple to the exotic — all with the same pleasurable effects.
Cooking with Booze, therefore, brings together two of the world's greatest achievements in an explosion of culinary genius. Culled from sources across the globe, this savoury assortment features a wide range of delicacies to entertain every palette. From beer batter for onion rings to ribs braised in wine, from champagne oysters to the perfect penne a la vodka, Harvey Bone presents a delicious collection of easy-to-follow recipes for even the tipsiest of chefs. Cheers!