Uncivil Mirth: Ridicule in Enlightenment Britain

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Nov 2022 | Princeton University Press | 9780691241777 | 280pp | 234x155mm | RFB | AUD$49.99, NZD$57.99
Hardback (B315) | Jul 2021 | Princeton University Press | 9780691182551 | 280pp | 234x155mm | GEN | AUD$59.99, NZD$69.99
How the philosophers and polemicists of eighteenth-century Britain used ridicule in the service of religious toleration, abolition, and political justice The relaxing of censorship in Britain at the turn of the eighteenth century led to an explosion of satires, caricatures, and comic hoaxes. This new vogue for ridicule unleashed moral panic and