Small Friends Books
Zobi and the Zoox: A Story of Coral Bleaching

Small Friends Books
Zobi and the Zoox: A Story of Coral Bleaching
Hardback | Jun 2018 | CSIRO Publishing | 9781486309603 | 44pp | 230x230mm | GEN | AUD$24.95, NZD$29.99
Age range 8 to 12
With her home under threat from a warming ocean, Zobi, a brave rhizobia bacterium, teams up with a family of slow but steady zoox (zooxanthellae). As the coral bleaches, everyone begins to starve...
Can Zobi and the zoox work together to save the day?
This beautifully illustrated science-adventure story, set on the Great Barrier Reef, was originally published in 2015, but has been extensively re-written and revised to delight and captivate primary-school aged readers. Zobi and the Zoox: A Story of Coral Bleaching is the first in the new Small Friends Books series — Stories of Partnership and Cooperation in Nature.
Part of the Small Friends Books series – Stories of Partnership and Cooperation in Nature.