Campo Baeza: Complete Works

Hardback | Feb 2019 | Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers | 9789881619563 | 632pp | 314x241mm | RFB | AUD$120.00
This monograph presents one of the most unique voices in contemporary architecture whose collection of built work makes a compelling case, with some help from Hisao Suzuki's photography, for the power of radical simplicity.
Included amongst the projects featured are the Andalucian Museum of Memory and Caja Granada, two contiguous buildings united in a quiet yet monumentalstatement about Granada, and its history, as well as other instant classics such as the Asencio, Gaspar, and Turegano houses. All share a basic dedication to simple composition with unadorned masses and show Baeza's uncompromising exercise of disciplined restraint in achieving architectural silence, his laconic answer to the deafening noise of the contemporary city.