Whose Government Is It?: The Renewal of State-Citizen Cooperation

Paperback | Feb 2019 | Bristol University Press | 9781529200935 | 280pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$59.99, NZD$69.99
Hardback | Feb 2019 | Bristol University Press | 9781529200980 | 280pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$179.99, NZD$214.99
This book brings together leading figures in democratic reform and civic engagement to show why and how better state-citizen cooperation is necessary for achieving positive social change. Their contributions demonstrate that, while protest and non-state action may have their place, citizens must also work effectively with public bodies to secure sustainable improvements.
The authors explain why the problem of civic disengagement poses a major threat, highlight what actions can be taken, and suggest how the underlying obstacles to democratic cooperation between citizens and state institutions can be overcome across a range of policy areas and in varied national contexts.