New Horizons in Criminology
A Criminology of Policing and Security Frontiers

New Horizons in Criminology
A Criminology of Policing and Security Frontiers
Paperback | Aug 2020 | Bristol University Press | 9781529202519 | 192pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$49.99, NZD$59.99
Hardback | Feb 2019 | Bristol University Press | 9781529202489 | 192pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$142.99, NZD$157.99
A Criminology of Policing and Security Frontiers draws on cutting-edge subjects 'Frontier' and 'Edge' criminology are concepts, reflecting theoretical developments in criminology.
Policing and security provision are subjects central to criminology. Yet there are newer and neglected forms that are currently unscrutinised. Including novel case studies, this multi-disciplinary and international book assembles a rich collection of policing and security frontiers both geographical (e.g. the margins of cities) and conceptual (dispersion and credentialism) previously unseen or under-acknowledged.