Gisbert Stach: Jewellery and Experiment

Hardback | Feb 2019 | Arnoldsche | 9783897905320 | 96pp | 210x280mm | RFB | AUD$54.99, NZD$64.99
With jewellery and its proverbial imperishability as his starting point, Gisbert Stach, born in 1963, is a goldsmith and conceptual artist who experiments with transformation processes, with both evanescence and transvaluation.
In twenty-five years of working gold and silver, Gisbert Stach has expanded the concept of jewellery by incorporating the media of photography, Performance and, not least, video: the moving-picture works that are also documented in this book are supplemented by QR codes to enable smartphone users to conveniently access the videos online. Thus Gisbert Stach has even extended the ways in which the book, a linear medium, can be handled.