Alfie’s Big Wish

Paperback | Nov 2014 | Magabala Books | 9781922142535 | 243x179mm | GEN | AUD$19.99, NZD$22.99
Age range 5-8 "The other kids playing were bigger you see, 'Why is there no one the same size as me?' Without all the kids he'd played with and known, Alfie felt small, not to mention alone." Another endearing book by David Hardy (author of Alfie's Search for Destiny) Alfie's Big Wish tells the story of a little boy who is determined to find a friend who truly knows and understands him. Despite his best efforts, Alfie spends a whole day playing alone. Exhausted and dispirited, he falls asleep only to find, in the morning, that wishes made on stars sometimes really do come true.