
Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Dec 2018 | World Editions | 9781642860023 | 192pp | 133x215mm | GEN | AUD$24.99, NZD$29.99
Elisabeth is dying. Coco jumps at this chance to prove her love, and promptly moves in with her deteriorating mother. A venture that quickly sends both parties spiraling out of control. Alongside a supporting cast of ex-bosses, ex-husbands, and (soon to be ex) boyfriends, the two women attempt to work through the annals of their dark yet often wildly humorous relationship. Psychologically astute and eye-poppingly candid, this is a tale about both excess and denial in which some things perhaps would have been better left unspoken. Sometimes the only person who understands you in this world is your hairdresser…
Gerritsen's sparse and lucid prose chimes with the absurdist logic and melancholy wit of characters as true as they are ridiculous.
'Cool, sparse, and delicious, Esther Gerritsen's Craving hits all the right notes. This is an author who is unafraid of both complex characters and complex emotion (Thank God!).' — Alice Sebold, author of The Lovely Bones