Man with a Seagull on His Head

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Dec 2018 | Biblioasis | 9781771962391 | 200pp | 196x127mm | GEN | AUD$22.99, NZD$27.99
When office drone Ray Eccles is struck on the head by a dying seagull on a hot summer beach, he awakens compelled to obsessively paint the unknown woman he saw at the moment of impact. Discovered by an eccentric and powerful couple, Ray's paintings suddenly light the art world on fire. Meanwhile, the unknown woman, observing from afar, begins to wonder if this stranger is the only person who has ever really seen her.
Beautiful, elegant, quietly profound, Harriet Paige's Man with a Seagull on His Head captures the small, shared moments that connect disparate lives and create artistry out of the everyday.