A Taste of Italy: 100 Traditional, Homestyle Recipes

Hardback (B501) | Dec 2017 | Sterling Epicure | 9781454926474 | 256pp | 254x203mm | GEN | AUD$44.99, NZD$49.99
An up-and-coming cooking show celebrity brings his passion for Tuscan food to the American table.
This beautifully photographed cookbook is alive with vibrant, soul-satisfying food! Italian-born chef Damiano Carrara learned how to cook at home, and he brings authentic dishes from his family to yours—including Pasta e Fagioli (Pasta and Bean Soup); Insalata di Farro con Gamberi (Farro Salad with Shrimp); Finocchi Gratinati (Fennel au Gratin); Lasagne Vegetariane al Carciofini (Vegetarian Baby Artichoke Lasagna); and Panna Cotta with fresh berries or dark chocolate. This is exquisite home-style cooking at its best!