Circus Mania: Celebrating 250 years of the circus
Paperback | Dec 2017 | Peter Owen Publishers | 9780720619874 | 256pp | 216x138mm | GEN | AUD$29.99, NZD$34.99
Roll up! Roll up!
See the wondrous new face of Circus Mania, 250 years in the making! Full of the remarkable tales of circus life that made it a classic on its first outing. Learn about the origins of the circus from Roman times, to the colourful characters that make the circus the international phenomenon it is today. Circus Mania 2.0 is bigger, better, and couldn't be timelier.
'A passionate, up-to-date look at the circus and it's people.' – Gerry Cottle, Wow Circus
'The book rollicks along at a cracking pace, delivering a cast of colourful characters, and a parade of stories . . . The circus deserves this book and, like the circus, McPherson deserves for Circus Mania to reach a very wide and appreciative audience.' – Tina Jackson, Writer's Hub